About David Hale

David Hale has worked in the wine and hospitality industries for over 25 years. He worked his way through school with stints at both Hilton and Westin hotels, then helped run a family-owned wine bar that is still one of his favorite gigs he’s ever had.  

Upon arriving in the Washington, DC area in 2008, David went to work for acclaimed chef Michel Richard at both his flagship restaurant Citronelle and his downtown bistro, Central Michel Richard. Having the opportunity to learn from an iconic chef and work under multiple James Beard award-winning beverage programs shaped David’s exposure to the great wines of the globe and his philosophy of true, authentic hospitality.

In 2014, David turned to the supplier side of the wine industry and was contracted as a Brand Ambassador for two VA-based importer/distributors. During his 7 years in sales, David had the fortunate opportunity to work directly alongside and represent amazing wineries from France, Spain, Italy, and Portugal, all on a small, familial scale that still informs his thinking about the world of wine.

David has been featured in media outlets such as The Washington Post and Sommelier Journal.


In the spring of 2022, David started Gemini Wine Company with a goal of “bringing up from the cellar” all the passion and knowledge that he’s been fortunate enough to imbibe along his journey. 


About Gemini Wine

A nod to his Zodiac sign and the dual facets of the business (the Mercury Shop online wine store and wine-themed events), Gemini Wine Company aims to help its clients see great wine not as a luxury, but as a luxurious necessity-one that can help tell the stories of our past, be shared with those we love in the present, and even nurtured with an eye on those great moments to come!